Discussion Questions for What The Moon Said
- How did Esther feel about Ma's ability to read "signs" at the beginning of the book? Does this change as the story goes on? Why?
- Did Pa believe in signs, too? How do we know this?
- How did Esther feel when Ma told her that Bethany's mole was a warning for people to stay away because she was dangerous?
- Was it easy for Esther to decide to disobey Ma and see Bethany anyway? How did she feel afterward?
- What terrible thing happened at Thanksgiving dinner? What good thing came out of that terrible thing?
- How did her little sister’s death affect Ma?
- When Esther allows supper to burn when she's playing with Margaret, how does Ma punish her? How does Esther feel about this punishment?
- What does Esther realize when she sees Shirley's father in Chicago?
- In the beginning of the story, Esther wants more than anything for Ma to hug her and tell her she loves her. Is that still important to her at the end?
- Describe a time during the story when you were very sad or very angry for Esther.
- What the Moon Said is dedicated in loving memory of the author's mother and grandmother, the real Esther and Ma. Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of The Little House books, was also inspired by her family’s history. What life story do you think you might be inspired to write about someday?
- Do you think you would be happy living with Esther’s family? Why or why not?
- In what way is the setting a character in this book?
- How are Esther’s hardships similar or different from your own?
- How do Ma, Pa, Violet, Julia, Esther, Walter, Kate and little Henry show that they’re a family?
- Do you think Esther's birthday wish at the end of the book will come true? Why or why not?
- Would you recommend What the Moon Said to other readers? Why or why not?
- The moon comes up above the rooftops of the city, and it has a strangely pink glow. Esther is about to ask Ma what the pink glow means, but then she changes her mind. “Whether Ma would say the glow was a sign of something good or something bad didn’t matter to Esther.” Why?
- Describe an image from the book that you think will stay will you for a long time.
- Do you think What the Moon Said is a good title for this book? Why or why not?